Friday, January 9, 2015

12 Common Wedding Day Emergencies...and How to Avoid Them! ( Feature)


We've all heard the stories, right?  In a recent blog post I shared, my poor bride actually had the flu...on the morning of her wedding! Red nose, puffy eyes, pale was a bunch of beauty emergencies all at the same time.  Besides a bride suffering from the crud, here are just a few beauty emergencies I've had to fix:

A spray-tan gone wrong...horribly wrong in "Bride Wars"

- Bride to be fell asleep in the sun and had a sunburned face....with huge white circles where her sunglasses had been
- Big zit...right in the middle of a bride's nose
- She got her brows waxed...and they were completely scalped!
- Mother of the bride had irritated, red skin due to a "first time" facial
- Bridesmaid had a black eye from a college cheerleading accident
- Dry skin and chapped lips from too many pre-wedding parties (and cocktails!) and not enough water
- She got her upper lip waxed the day before and it looked like a white mustache
- A bride tried a spray on tan for the first time and it was blotchy and orange

And on, and on and on!!!

Vanja D Photography

When Bridal Guide Magazine called and wanted my best tips for fixing wedding day beauty blunders, I had a LOT to choose from, that's for sure.  Click here to read the full article, with tips from me on what to avoid, and what to do if an emergency should strike.

One thing you can do?  Hire a pro makeup artist! Trust me, we KNOW how to fix all of the issues above and more.... and have experience doing it...we got you, sister.

Thanks for the feature, Bridal Guide Magazine! Ladies, be sure to check them out for all things wedding....dresses, cakes, decor, and of course, beauty the newsstand or online at

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